Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 Fundraiser

May 24-May 26, 2025

Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 Countdown:
70 days 13 hours 14 mins 32 secs remain

🔥 Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 🔥

In 2017, North America hosted its first "major" in TF2 comparable to the iSeries LAN events, with the best of Australia and Europe coming to North America to compete and crown the best in the world. Since then, Australia has been absent from interregional competition, with European and North American representation crossing the Atlantic to compete in Rewind II, i63, i65, and i69. Seven years later, Fireside and Physgun are bringing intercontinental competition back to North American soil, featuring all three major regions.

We still need help!

In order to put on the best show possible, we will be crowdfunding along with using all the money we have left in our piggy bank. If you feel willing and are able, we are able to accept donations through cash or TF2 items as a way to support the organization and the prize pool! 

Cash donations will contribute to the prize pool for the event, equipment purchases/rentals, and other necessities to host an event of this magnitude. All our finances are 100% transparent and available here

We are partnering with to make item donations available as well. These donations will contribute to the prize pool and venue fees. Item donations can be done here!

Make a Donation

Thank you for making Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 a reality!

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